Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Lights

The Christmas lights are all a-glow on Main street in down town Ann Arbor, so I drug my ever-faithful model/ best friend Erin out in the cold. I shot with my Canon lens 70-200 2.8 IS USM. I wanted to see just how far I could push that puppy (the lens, not Erin) in low light and freezing weather conditions.

The lens performed like a champ. Being able to shoot in low light with out flash allowed me to capture the ambiance of the scene. The lens weighs in at a hefty 3.3 pounds, how-ever my tripod weighs 5 pounds. You can do the math. For capturing moving subjects, easy transitions between backgrounds and low light, this baby gets it done.

This image was inspired by "The sunday Creative" weekly photo project- Frozen.

Gratitude note*Many thanks to Erin. My photographic Guinea Pig, who is insane enough to think my ideas are brilliant.

Update- I have added snow thanks to Photoshop Universe for the video tutorial

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  1. Well done, beautiful shot. I love the suggestion of Christmas light while the subject is clear and crisp. Nice work!

  2. This is beautiful! You've really captured the feel and mood of the scene!

  3. Wow, thank you guys for such kind words! A compliment is a precious gift that I treasure.

  4. Oh, yes, how I adore that lens! You can't go wrong with it. How fun that you had a model willing to go out with you, my kids run away from me! :)

    Beautiful composition and bokeh. The light on her face is gorgeous!

  5. awesome job. I love pictures with a sharp focal point and blurred background. favorite!
