The experience of the Novi Bridal Expo was amazing. Each year exhibitors from Michigan gather at the event to provide brides with one stop shopping for all their wedding day needs. This year myself & Steve, my business partner in He Said She Said Photography were in one of the booths for photographic services.
We met some super cool vendors & played nice with everyone except the balloon guy (who shall remain nameless). One would assume that a balloon vendor would have the pleasant disposition of a daycare worker, after all balloons are happy & I am happy, but he was not. As you can see from the photo below I am happy, so very happy, because I have the best job in the world!
The very best part of the weekend was the brides. We met amazing women (and a few men) from all over the country.
What is the best thing about meeting new brides?
They are in love. They have found someone that they love so much they want to spend the rest of their lives together. Love is the most beautiful, flattering feature from a photographic standpoint.
Love is the purest form of happiness. I could photograph happiness every day for the rest of my life and die with a huge smile.
I could go on and on about love, but I wont.
I'll just say "I love love".
There is something very genuine about the way a couple looks into each others eyes when they are in love. These are the stories I want to tell with my camera.
I have an amazing story from Cassie coming next week, so grab your camera & tissues because this is a good one. Not only is she a future bride but she is also just starting out in photography and her engagement story touched my heart.