Friday, November 26, 2010

On Which Hand Does A Bride Wear The Ring?

The right hand is the traditional hand for vows or oaths. It is raised when such an oath is given, so the wedding ring would here show the sincerety of the oath. A traditional reason to wear the wedding ring on the right hand stems from Roman custom and biblical references. The Latin word for left is "sinister", which in addition to this sense also has the same senses as the English word. The Latin word for right is "dexter", a word that evolved into "dexterity". Hence, the left hand had a negative connotation and the right a good one. (Source Wiki)
The finger is always the ring finger, but there are cultural differences whether the wedding ring is worn on the left hand or the right hand.

I was previously under the assumption that the wedding ring was always worn on the left hand.
Which just goes to show you, you learn something every day if you pay attention. 
The ring shot is one of my favorite things to photograph. It is one of the few images where you, as the photographer get to completely design the composition of the shot. I prefer to juxtapose the rings with contrasting textures, shapes and colors.

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