How do you turn an absolutely adorable baby picture into a timeless keep-sake?
Very easily my friends, you just do a sepia (brown) toning and add a vintage frame.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
When in Rome.. be generous
A lesson in generosity.
While walking back from the market I happened to notice this little old man sitting in an alley way. I was particularly fond of photographing pigeons that week, so I considered my self very lucky to find someone feeding them. I saw his bags and thought how sweet he went to the market and bought some extra bread just to feed the birds. Upon closer inspection I noticed that all his worldly belongings were actually stuffed into the bags.How is it that this poor man who had no place to call home could share his meager lunch with these birds? Easily, they ate and slept in the same placed, he knew their hardships, they were neighbors.
A lesson in generosity: even when you feel you have nothing to give, there is always someone with less then you.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Removing the "Not"

We create the future through small steps that we take each day. Don't let yesterdays path deter you from trying again or trying something new. There really is no such thing as a failed attempt. Every attempt is just an experience, practice or lesson learned for the next time.
The words "I can't" are quite possibly the biggest killer of the human spirit.
We create barriers for ourselves by saying "I can't" or worrying about what others would think of our decisions or failures.
From our infancy to teenage years we have this invincible attitude that we can do anything we want to. Then, somewhere in adult hood we get gridlocked into this role of complacency. We feel trapped in our roles of who we have become (all those small choices adding up over the years).
What if we aren't really 'stuck' with our lives?
What if we went after our dreams?
Starting tomorrow Turn an I can't into I can.
After all tomorrow is a new day and anything is possible, if you believe that it is.
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