Thursday, April 29, 2010

Exploring Relationships-part 2

The coolest thing happened,
I was out shooting on tuesday, working on my "relationships" series. I wanted to take my "models" on location around the city. This shot was taken on a fire hydrant. As I was shooting a nice man on a bike & trailer stopped to ask me about my photo project. I was only to happy to depart from my current task and share with him. I am always so pleased when someone (anyone) takes an interest in my creative endeavors. After a 15 minute conversation, Dave asked me if he could make a post about me in the Ann Arbor Chronicle. I was completely flattered. So I thought I would share the shot he found me taking. The link for the article is below, you can see the fire hydrant behind me. Now you all know the secret to my elaborate landscapes (fire hydrants) lol. I will be continuing this series over the next month so please share your thoughts & ideas.

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